Everything turns around when QueryStore comes around…

I have this problem where I want to see how a newly released query is performing, but it may not be bad enough to make any of the canned reports that SQL Server provides in QueryStore. I was able to look up the plan handle, but always struggled to get to the query id for QueryStore, until now.

Here I am using a small and unique section from the query I want to find in the WHERE clause between two percent signs to work with my LIKE:

    SELECT plan_handle, text
    FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle) AS st
    WHERE text LIKE N'%SELECT S.SuperHeroName, S.SuperHeroDescription,%'
      AND text NOT LIKE N'%DBCC%'

I use the text that was returned to verify that I have the right query that I want to find in QueryStore. Then I take that plan_handle and put it in this query:

	SELECT qsp.query_id, qsp.plan_id
	FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats eqs INNER JOIN sys.query_store_plan qsp
	ON eqs.query_plan_hash = qsp.query_plan_hash
	WHERE eqs.plan_handle = 0x05000900EBC0B12E005DDEC92402000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --plan handle here

Finally, I can take that query id and plug it into the Tracked Queries report in QueryStore:

Then I can see my query and even force the plan that I want to use moving forward (as you can see I have done above).

The song for this post is Everything Turns Around by Dogstar.

The query was perfectly broken…

I have been teaching a T-SQL 101 class and for the homework, we asked the students to get all the records where our heroes had a birthdate between 1995 through 1999. I expected something like this:

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Birthdate
FROM Heroes
WHERE Birthdate BETWEEN '1/1/1995' AND '12/31/1999'


SELECT FirstName, LastName, Birthdate
FROM Heroes
WHERE Birthdate >= '1/1/1995' AND Birthdate <= '12/31/1999'

Imagine my surprise when one of the students turned in this:

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Birthdate
FROM Heroes
WHERE Birthdate BETWEEN '1995' AND '1999'

When I first saw the query I thought, “There is no way they ran that and it worked.” So I wrote it up and ran it on my data. Guess what? IT RUNS AND RETURNS DATA! I was shocked.

I started looking at the plan and what it did to the data and found that it had done an implicit conversion on the dates and assumed 1/1/1995 to 1/1/1999 based on the year. So we were missing data from the results, but I was still in shock that it had run in the first place and shared this information with my co-worker who reminded me that dates get crazy and if I only put in ’12/31/1999′ and there is a time in the field, it will cut off most of the times within that day because it will assume I want ’12/31/1999 00:00:00′. If I want the full day, I need to get in the habit of specifying ’12/31/1999 23:59:59′ or ‘1/1/2000 00:00:00’ and then test my results to make sure I am getting what I truly want back from the database.

The song for this post is BANNERS – Perfectly Broken.

I’m Gonna Spend My Time Speeding that Query Up, Like It’s Never Enough, Like it’s Born to Run…

Have I mentioned that I like query tuning? One of my favorite tuning tricks is removing Sub-queries from WHERE clauses. Let me give an example:

FROM [dbo].[SuperHero] s 			
WHERE HeroType = 2
		FROM [dbo].[SuperHero] x 								
		WHERE x.HeroID = s.HeroID 
			 AND x.IsHuman = 1 AND x.Weakness = 'Lack of Control')

Notice the “NOT EXISTS *Sub-Query* section. Any time I see this pattern or even a “NOT IN *Sub-Query*” pattern, I know I can fix it like this:

SELECT s.HeroName
		, s.HasCape
		, s.FavoriteColor
		, s.LairId
FROM [dbo].[SuperHero] s 
	LEFT JOIN [dbo].[SuperHero] x ON x.HeroID = s.HeroID 
		 AND x.IsHuman = 1
		 AND x.Weakness = 'Lack of Control'	
WHERE HeroType = 2

In this second example, I have moved the sub-query to be in a LEFT JOIN with the same criteria and then in the WHERE I use one of the columns that should be populated (I favor ID columns here) and look to see if it “IS NULL”. That “IS NULL” works the same way as the “NOT EXISTS” and the “NOT IN”.

This allows me to remove the non-sargable arguments from the where clause and takes my query from non-sargable to sargable. (from Wikipedia- The term is derived from a contraction of Search ARGument ABLE. A query failing to be sargable is known as a non-sargable query and typically has a negative effect on query time, so one of the steps in query optimization is to convert them to be sargable).

With simple queries that have a low number of records, I hardly notice a difference in performance. As the queries become more complex or the row numbers increase, the difference begins to show in the query run time and the IO statistics.

The song for this post is I’m Born to Run by American Authors.

I’m Beggin, Beggin you, to stop using VarChars as IDs

As I was troubleshooting a performance issue, I noticed that there was an implicit conversion (SQL Server automatically converts the data from one data type to another) happening in my join. The join was on a column that was named the same in both tables, but one was datatype INT (integer) and the other was a datatype of VARCHAR(50) (variable character up to 50 places).

While the implicit conversion was happening transparently to our coders and users, it was causing performance impacts to the query. I wanted to change the datatype from VARCHAR(50) to an INT, not only to match the other table, but also because INTs are faster to join on than VARCHARs in the SQL engine.

My first step was to make sure there weren’t any values in the column that would have an issue changing to an int. For this task, I am using TRY_CAST to make my life easier.

SELECT TRY_CAST(SuperHeroId as INT) as Result, SuperHeroId
FROM dbo.Lair

The TRY_CAST above is checking to see if I can CAST the value as an INT. If it can’t, it will return a NULL value. My WHERE clause will help me quickly identify the values that are failing which will allow me to fix the data before I change the data type on the column.

Once my query doesn’t return any rows, I am ready to change my datatype, which will remove that implicit conversion and increase the performance of any queries using that join.

The song for this post is Beggin’ by Maneskin.

I can query multiple instances, I am King!

In the past, I have talked about CMS (Central Management Servers), but now I don’t have CMS configured and still want to query multiple instances at once. Local Server Groups are my friend.

In SSMS, I start by selecting View>>Registered Servers.

I then right click on “Local Server Groups” and select “New Server Group”.

Next I right click on the group I just created, in this case “Production” and select “New Server Registration”. I then fill in my servername, the type of Authentication, in this case I am using SQL Server Authentication and my login/password. I also am saving my password. This will help in the future. The Registered Server Name can be different. In the real world, my servernames are weird and so the Registered Server Name is the easy to remember name or the nickname I use for the server (all of my servers have nicknames). The description will come up when I hover over the server name once I have it registered.

Then I repeat this process until I have registered all my servers for Production under the Production group.

Now comes the cool part. I right click on my Production Server Group and select “New Query”. Because I saved my password, it connects to all my Production instances in one window. By default, it creates a pink bar at the bottom showing how many instances connected and the name of the Server Group.

Now I can run all my queries at once and the results will have the instance name prepended to each row. Word of warning, I never leave this connection open. I open it when I need it and then close it again so I don’t accidentally run something against all my servers.

The song for this post, King, is by Florence + The Machines.

Load quick, got a list of files that need to be in a table…

Yes, I am trying to do a version of log-shipping that doesn’t require linking any servers and allows them to be in different domains. I also know I am crazy.

Now that we have that out of the way, let me show you some of the stuff I am doing! Loading a table from multiple file locations using Powershell. It will go and read what is in the directories and load them into a table for me (Oh my goodness, I knew Powershell was cool, but it took me so long to figure this out, that I was super proud with how fast it loaded).

First, the housekeeping. Create two tables in a DBA Database:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[LogshippingFile](
	[FileName] [varchar](500) NULL,
	[FileLocation] [varchar](1000) NULL,
	[FileType] [char](1) NULL,
	[Origin] [varchar](50) NULL,
	[ForDatabase] [varchar](50) NULL,
	[CreatedDate] [datetime2](7) NULL,
	[Applied] [bit] NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[LogshippingFile] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_LogshippingFiles_Applied]  DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [Applied]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Config](
	[Origin] [varchar](50) NULL,
	[FileLocation] [varchar](500) NULL,
	[Type] [char](1) NULL

In the Config table, I am going to put the common name for the database I am restoring so the rows will look like this:

Batman J:\FullBackups\Batman B
Batman J:\LogBackups\Batman L
Superman J:\FullBackups\Superman B
Superman J:\LogBackups\Superman L

Yay! Now we can get to the fun stuff. This is how I set up the Powershell:

# Credentials for connection to SQL Server. 
$username = 'Batgirl'
$password = '!Pennyworth54'
#Connecting to the SQL Server and Query to get FileLocation and Origin from the Config table. 
$DS = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "BatCave01" -Database "DBAStuff" -Username $username -Password $password -Query "SELECT FileLocation, Origin FROM Config" -As DataSet

#Magic that puts my two columns into variables
$data = $DS.Tables[0].Rows
ForEach ($Row in $data) {
$FileLocation = $Row.FileLocation 
$Origin = $Row.Origin

#Build my insert statement so Powershell knows what to expect. 
#gets all the filenames and loads them into the table. 
INSERT INTO LogshippingFile

Get-ChildItem -Recurse $FileLocation  | 
select Name,FullName, 
    Expression={($FileLocation.Substring(10,1))}}, @{
    Expression={($Origin)}}, @{
    Expression={'Gryphon_'+($Origin)}} |
   # @{Label="Length";Expression={$_.Length / 1024KB -as [int] }}  |
ForEach-Object {
          $SQL = $sqlstatement -f  $_.name,$_.FullName, $_.FileType, $_.Origin, $_.ForDatabase #,  $_.Length		
    Invoke-sqlcmd -Username $username -Password $password -Query $SQL -ServerInstance “BatCave01” -database “DBAStuff” -Querytimeout 0

Now we have all this data in the table, what do we do with it? Guess you will have to tune in again to this same Bat channel.

The song for this post is Matt Nathanson’s Kiss Quick

Query times just keep fallin’!

So if I can’t modify or add indexes and I can’t change code, how do I get my query times to drop? Query Store to the rescue.

I love to tune queries. I feel so satisfied to see the times dropping on my server as I tune things. Recently, I have been tracking my Batch Requests per Second and my Instance Waits to see if I am making improvements when I tune. It has been awesome!

What I am going to show you today is how I dig into my query store to find those misbehaving queries and make their performance better. First I go into a database’s properties to make sure my query store is turned on:

There are a ton of best practice posts on query store sizes and settings, we aren’t talking about that in this post. This is just an example of what it can look like with the most important part being the Operation Mode (Actual) at the top says “Read Write”.

If the query store was just barely turned on, give it at least 30 minutes to run before expecting it to show much. It may even take up to a day to get a good idea of what is happening.

My two favorite reports are Top Resource Consuming Queries and Regressed Queries.

I start by looking at the Top Resource Consuming Queries (I use the same process for Regressed Queries).

I will click on a bar in the chart and it will turn green. Then I will hit the “track query” button to the right of the “refresh” button just above the chart.

This query was more stable yesterday. I will look at all the plans available (I will even select “Configure” in the top right corner and change to look at a full month instead of the last day to see if I can find a better plan). I will then click the plan I like best and select the “Force Plan” button. SQL Server will verify the plan number and ask if I am sure, I check that it is the right one and then select “yes”. Next I will refresh until I see my newly pinned plan show up. If my plan doesn’t show up, but a new plan does, I will compare the new plan with the one I wanted. If they have the same shape, I know that is what SQL is putting in place for my forced plan and I will force the new one instead to keep it consistent.

Now I watch and see how the new forced plan behaves. If it goes horribly wrong, I will unforce it. If it is healthy and doing what I want, I move to the next query to see if I can help it.

Disclaimer: Query store won’t solve all the problems, but it can be a way to temporarily fix performance issues. I keep an eye on my pinned queries and make sure I watch for when changes hit the system. I also have alarms for when things start to run long so I can quickly diagnose performance issues. If Indexes are changed or code is modified, it can affect forced plans.

The song for this post is Fallin’ by Why Don’t We , it makes me want to dance every time I hear it.

I’m Going Under and This Time DBCC Can’t Save Me…

Over the weekend I was troubleshooting an issue and found that part of it was being caused by corruption on one of my databases.  I have seen DBCC CheckDB fix corruption a few times and thought, “No problem, I’ve got this.”

I ran:


I waited for it to finish because the rule is, “Let it finish”.

There were still errors. So I ran it again.

The same errors appeared saying that some errors were waiting on others to be fixed first.  But nothing had fixed and my heart sank.  I had a moment of panic as I furiously googled.  I saw post after post telling me to restore the backup…Did I mention the small problem that the corruption had prevented the backups from completing for this database but didn’t throw an error? My backups were over two weeks old and a roll back was not an option.

I found a post by Paul Randal from 2006 talking about when DBCC CheckDB won’t solve the issue.  He mentioned that sometimes it is just an index or statistic that is corrupted.  This gave me hope and I started tracing my error.  I found it was on a Change Data Capture table that is being used in our replication.  I began pondering an idea.  I removed replication and ran the DBCC CheckDB.  It was clean! No corruption! I breathed and took a backup. Then I added replication back on and ran the DBCC CheckDB again.  It was clean again! Everything was healthy and fine!

Thank you to everyone for your past posts that save my sanity and thank you for DBCC CheckDB!!!


The song for this post is Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi

Takes as Long as it Takes SQL, Break on Me, I have a DAC…

The DAC, what is it? It is the Dedicated Administrator Console. Basically it is a way to connect to your SQL Server when all the other connections are tied up. But it takes a little bit of pre-planning so that you can use it when things go bad with your SQL Server.  Let’s enable it so you can test using it and know that it is there in the future.

EXEC sp_configure 'remote admin connections', 1;

I was always afraid to use the DAC because I thought I had to use the command line and I am terrible with cmd. But did you know, you can connect to it through Management Studio? Now I can feel right at home when I trouble shoot a sick server.  To connect to a server using the DAC put “admin:” in front of the name of the server like this:


I use my elevated windows login for this point, but you can use what ever sys admin account that you have.

There are a few words of caution. You can only have one connection to your DAC on each server at a time. So don’t try to connect Object explorer to it. I have SQLPrompt and noticed that my server would send an alert on Severity Error 20 because SQL Prompt was trying to connect at the same time and was failing. Just be aware that you might get an error, but if everything is correct you can look down at the connection at the bottom of the query window and see you are connected.  If someone else is using the DAC, you won’t be able to use the connection, so it is a good idea to always close it when you are done.

Kendra Little b|t has a fantastic post for Brent Ozar Unlimited about the DAC and most importantly to me, how to tell who is connected.  This is the code that she wrote to help identify who is connected:

WHEN ses.session_id= @@SPID THEN 'It''s me! '
+ coalesce(ses.login_name,'???') as WhosGotTheDAC,
from sys.endpoints as en
join sys.dm_exec_sessions ses on
where en.name='Dedicated Admin Connection'

Now when SQL Server Breaks on you, there is a tool that prevents us from shattering like glass.

For one good, naughty little girl found a diamond…Object Explorer Details

It’s Christmas time again and time to listen to my FAVORITE Christmas song called Joel The Lump of Coal.
Just before Thanksgiving we had our SQLSaturday\Big Mountain Data event and I spoke! This is my third time speaking at this event and every year I regret speaking and feel like everyone would have been better in another session, every year that is until this one! I loved my session and I will actually be submitting it to PASS Summit this year. Keep your fingers crossed with me. It was on SQL Server Management Studio Tips and Tricks.

One of the tips that I was super surprised that many people didn’t know is the Object Explorer Details. It allows you to delete multiple objects at once, script out multiple objects at once and just do some really cool stuff. How do I access this magic you are asking? When in management studio, click on View>>Object Explorer Details.



Now you can have a diamond that will help you too!