My database is so tired building this index, thankfully I have Resumable…

When Pause and Resume came out for indexes, I didn’t have an instance that supported them, and then I completely forgot about this feature. Recently, I had a very large table that I needed to build an index on and I figured it was a great time to try it.

I started to build my index and had set RESUMABLE = ON.

CREATE INDEX [IX_SuperHero_BirthDate_PowerKey] ON [dbo].[SuperHero]
([BirthDate], [PowerKey])

It had been building for about 10 minutes, when I realized I had the fields in the wrong order. No big deal, I just canceled it, corrected it and tried to start it again. “Tried” was the keyword here. I got an error because I had set RESUMABLE = ON but hadn’t properly cleared it out of the system. I started to furiously dig through articles about how to clear out an index that was resumable but had been canceled.

Thankfully I found this fantastic article from Brent Ozar which saved me. It told me that I had to “Abort” my index before I could start over.

ALTER INDEX [IX_SuperHero_BirthDate_PowerKey] ON [dbo].[SuperHero] ABORT

It ended my process and I was able to restart the create on my index. It took a long time but successfully created and took a 25 minute query down to a few seconds.

The song for this post is Unconditional by Matt Maeson.

If I need to rearrange my fragmentation, I will for you….

Oh my goodness, I have been buried and learning tons about Indexing.  Something super cool that I learned was how to know if you need to adjust your fillfactors on your indexes.  My whole DBA career I have usually set it 85 and forgotten it. I learned that I can check my CommandLog and see how often that index is being rebuilt.   I am currently using Ola and when my indexes are rebuilt for maintenance (rebuilt nightly in this case), it is all logged to a table named CommandLog in the master database.  If an index is rebuilt everyday, adjust the fillfactor  down (75) so that it will rebuild less often.  If it nearly never rebuilds, adjust the fillfactor up (90) so it gets rebuilt once in a while and to avoid wasting space in an index. Here is the query I am using to see how often an index has rebuilt in the last 10 days.

SELECT Command, COUNT(StartTime) AS Rebuilt
FROM master.[dbo].[CommandLog]
WHERE CommandType LIKE '%Index%' AND StartTime > GETDATE()-10
GROUP BY Command

When I see ones that have a rebuilt number of 10, 9 or 8, I know those are rebuilding nearly everyday.  I will adjust their fillfactors down so that I don’t rebuild as often.  My sweet spot right now is once a week, but that doesn’t work for every index (or environment).  This is where the art part comes into the DBA world and I have to think about what is best for the system.  If I have already adjusted something down to 75 and it is still rebuilding frequently, I will adjust that number down more (65, then 55), and back up if it is too low.  I also evaluate how much that index is used and how important it is to keep healthy. If it is hardly ever used, do I want to waste fillfactor space?

Indexing is absolutely an art, but now I have a new brush for my kit by being able to query the CommandLog.

This post’s song is Particles by Nothing But Thieves

If Crazy = Genius, I’m rebuilding one partition at a time!

We have had an index job that has been failing for a while.  This is one of those things you really don’t want to clean up because no one is complaining, but you know you should.  I had heard that I could rebuild one partition at a time, but where to start?  Today, I worked my way through it, so here it is so that you can do it too.

First you need to find the biggest indexes, there is a good chance those are the ones that live on partitions. I am removing Primary Keys.

SELECT i.[name] AS IndexName
,SUM(ps.[used_page_count]) * 8 AS IndexSizeKB
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats AS ps
INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i ON ps.[object_id] = i.[object_id]
AND ps.[index_id] = i.[index_id]
GROUP BY i.[name]

The top ones are most likely the ones you want to focus on.  Next, we need to track down the partition function.

SELECT * FROM sys.partition_functions

Next we are going to figure out which partition we want to rebuild.

SELECT sprv.value AS [Value], sprv.boundary_id AS [ID]
FROM sys.partition_functions AS spf
INNER JOIN sys.partition_range_values sprv ON sprv.function_id = spf.function_id
WHERE ( = N'NameOfFunctionFromPartitionFunctions')

Pick the number of the partition you want to rebuild.

Next use your index name from earlier.  You will also need the table name and the partition number.

ON [dbo].[TableName]

This will rebuild just the partition that you requested.

Let Me Riddle You a Ditty It’s Just an Itty Bitty Little Thing on My Mind About a Group of Unused Indexes Being Disabled All at the Same Time…

Now the funny thing about it, not a story without it, but the story is mine and it ended just fine…Happily Ever After

Today I have a Vendor Application that has WAY too many indexes and they need to rebuild them all tonight in a very tight window.  I am disabling all the unused indexes to allow for a faster rebuild and then will rebuild the disabled indexes tomorrow night after all the heavy work is done.  The Vendor is nervous about us disabling indexes that haven’t been used in over a month.  The good news is that you can simply disable them and then rebuild them if they are needed.  I know the rebuild will take some time, but we have all agreed that if they haven’t been used in over a month, they most likely won’t be used in the next 24 hours.  Now the good part. Running this t-sql code not only tells you what indexes have not been used since the last reboot, but it also gives you a rebuild indexes script that can easily be changed to a disable script. The scripts can all be run at once and will save you oodles of time.

I.NAME AS IndexName,
'ALTER INDEX [' + I.Name + '] ON ' + OBJECT_NAME(I.OBJECT_ID) + ' ReBuild' --' Disable'
AS SQLToRebuildOrDisable
FROM sys.indexes I
WHERE /* only get indexes for user created tables*/
/* making sure it is not a primary key*/
and i.is_primary_key = 0
and i.is_unique = 0
/* If the are returned in this table, they are in use so we are getting everything not in this table.*/
SELECT index_id
FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats
AND I.index_id = index_id
-- This will limit to the db you are on.
AND database_id = DB_ID())
-- The Index must have a name for this to work.
ORDER BY SchemaName, ObjectName, IndexName

I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me today!
Have a magical day!